

"A state of solitude or being alone"

It is one thing to define loneliness in words, but another to explain the ways we can end up feeling lonely. Listed below are the easily identifiable types of loneliness our group came up with:

Type 1

Being physically surrounded by friends and family and not feeling emotionally lonely

Type 2

Being both emotionally and physically alone

Type 3

Being emotionally alone but not physically alone

Type 4

Being physically laone but not emotionally alone


Acknowledging we all experience these forms of loneliness at one point or another in out lives, we decided to dive deeper and research the impacts and causes of these feelings. During our research we were able to identify two forms of loneliness:

Form one is that of constructive loneliness. A self-isolation, or form of loneliness, which fosters thought and potential inspiration. An extremely beneficial form of loneliness, so long as it is temporary. It has been found that, when experiencing a cyclic form of loneliness, it is possible for negative side effects to take over. Negative side effects like those which can come from the second type of loneliness

Form two is, in contrast, destructive loneliness. Destructive loneliness can come from an attempt at constructive loneliness, or from forced loneliness or isolation. As can be found in our infographic on the Explore page, there is a direct link between solitary confinement and adverse health effects, ranging from increases in suicide to excess rage, panic, or hostility. It is easy to see how one can be negatively affected by involuntary isolation.

From our experiment we were able to see that what causes the feeling of loneliness is not the same for every person. For the more socially-inclined, moments separated from people may be the end of the world. For those who are introverted, it is possible that being surrounded by people results in them feeling more isolated than ever. Being connected with others is something we all strive to do; It is the human way.


There is no one source or cause for the feelings of loneliness with which we live. Having delved into what loneliness is, the forms it can take, and the causes it has, it is our hope that you will be able to learn to adapt to, or overcome, your own loneliness. Loneliness is a feeling, an emotion, a state of being. Loneliness is not a curse; it is an opportunity for introspection and self-improvement.